Tuesday 5 January 2010

The Straight Path (Poem)

When I'm considered a stranger for what I believe or deemed a terrorist for what you perceive, I pity your blindness and my head only rises.

I give thanks to The Gracious for blessing me with the straight path.

When a society that accepts the marriage of one man to another rejects me, I grow more steadfast and my head only rises.

I give thanks to The All-Mighty for blessing me with the straight path.

When men who take wives that have shared themselves with dozens before them mock me, I am comforted by the purity of mine and my head only rises.

I give thanks to the All-Seeing for blessing me with the straight path.

When I'm asked if I'm with you or against you, my beard eloquently responds and my head only rises.

I give thanks to the All-Hearing for blessing me with the straight path.

When the world is flipped upside down and you consider me evil, I see you for what you are and my head only rises.

I give thanks to The Most-High for blessing me with the straight path.

When the angel of death eventually comes, there is no escape from what we've done.

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