Seeking Forgiveness before Death
The following account is a poem by Imam Ash-Shaafi`ee. Al-Muzni who is Aboo lbraaheem Isma`eel ibn Yahya said: "I entered upon ash-Shaafi'ee during his illness which resulted in his death, so I said to him: 'What is your condition?' He replied: "I am journeying from this world, and departing from my brothers, drinking from the cup of death, and upon Allaah - Exalted is His remembrance - arriving. And no! By Allaah, I do not know if my soul is travelling towards Paradise or the Fire!" Then he started to weep, and he said:
إلَيكَ إلـهُ الخَلْـق أرْفَــعُ رَغبَتِي *** و‘نْ كُنتُ يَا ذا المَنّ والجُودِ مُجْرِما
‘To You, the Creator, I raise my longing,
And even if I am, O possessor of kindness and generosity, an evildoer, a criminal
ولمَّا قَسَـا قلبي وضَـاقت مَذاهِبي *** جَعَلتُ الرَجـا مِني لِعَفوكَ سَلِمــا
When my heart became constricted and my paths became narrow,
I took my hope in Your pardon and forgiveness as an opening and an escape
تعَاظَمَنـي ذنبـي فلمَّـا قرِنتـُـهُ *** بعَفوكَ ربِّي كَانَ عَـفْوكَ أعْظَمــا
My sins seemed very great to me but when I compared them to Your forgiveness,
I found Your forgiveness to be much greater
فمَا زِلتَ ذا عفو عَن الذنْبِ لَمْ تَزُلْ *** تَـجُـود وتعـفو منةً وتَكَرُّمـــا
You are and still remain the only One who can forgive sins,
You grant and forgive out of Your benevolence and generosity
فلولاكَ لَـمْ يَصْمُـدْ لإبلـيسِ عَابدٌ *** فكَيفَ وقدْ أغْوَى صَفْيَك آدِمـــا
Were it not for You, then a servant could never defy Iblis
And how can that be when he mislead Your friend Adam
فيَاليْتَ شَعْــرِي هَل أصَيرُ لِجنة *** أهنـــا؟ وأمَّـا للسَّعِير فأنْدَمــا
If only I knew! Will I arrive at Paradise that I may take delight
Or at Hellfire, that I may regret?
فللّهِ دَر العَـــارِفُ الـنـدبُ إنَّه *** تَفيض لفرْطِ الوَجْد أجفانُه دَمَّـــا
How capable is Allah! For the one acquainted with lament,
blood almost flows from his eyelids due to the excess of his emotions (lament)
يَقيـمُ إذا مَـا الليلُ مَدَّ ظَلامَــه *** على نَفسِهِ مِن شدَّةِ الخَوفِ مَأتمـا
He stands when the night extends out its darkness
Stands against himself out of extreme fear, sinful
فصِيحاً إذا ما كـانَ في ذكْـرِ رَبِّه *** وفيما سِوَاهُ في الوَرى كان أعْجَمـا
Eloquent when he makes mention of his Lord
And in the mention of others than Him, he is speechless
ويَذكُرُ أيَّامـاً مَضَـتْ مِن شَبَابـه *** وما كان فيها بالجَهَـالة أجْرَمـــا
He remembers days gone by of his youth
And what was in it of ignorance, he was a criminal
فصَارَ قَرينُ الهمِّ طُولَ نهَـــارِه *** أخا السَّهدِ والنجوى إذا الليل أظلمـا
And so for the whole of his day, the companion of grief has become
the brother of sleeplessness and secret conversation when the night darkens
يقول: حَبيبي أنـتَ سُؤلِي وبَغيتي *** كفى بكَ للرَّاجـيـنَ سُؤلاً ومغنمـا
He says, ‘My beloved, You are what I request and desire
You are enough of a longing and benefit for those who have hope
ألـسْتَ الذي غذيْتني وهَــدَيْتني *** ولا زلتَ مَنـَّانـا عليّ ومُنعِـمــا
Are You not the One who has provided for me and guided me
And You have not ceased being gracious to me and full of favours
عسَى مَنْ لَـهُ الإحْسَانَ يَغفِرُ زَلتِي *** ويَسْترُ أوْزارِي ومـا قـدْ تقدَّمــا
Perhaps the Beneficent One will forgive my mistakes
And cover up my crime and what has gone forth
تعاظمَني ذنبـي فأقبلتُ خاشِعــاً *** وَلوْلا الرِّضَـا ما كنتُ يَاربِّ مُنعَمـا
My sins seemed very great to me, so I turned (to You) in humility
Were it not for my contentment in you, I wouldn’t, O my Lord, have seen any comfort at all
فإنْ تعْفُ عَني تعْفُ عَـنْ مُتمَرِّد *** ظلوم غشــوم لا يَـزايَـلَ مأتمـا
So if You forgive me, You would have forgiven a sinner,
A rebellious, oppressive tyrant still sinning
فإن تنتـقـِمْ مِني فلستُ بآيـسٍ *** ولو أدخلوا نفسي بجـُـرْم جَهَنَّمـا
So if You were to seek revenge from me, I would not despair
Even if they entered my soul into Jahannum, due to the sins
فجُرْمِي عَظيم مِن قديم وحـَـادِث *** وعفوكَ يَأتي العَبْـدَ أعْلى وأجْسَمــا
For my crimes are great, past and present
But Your forgiveness comes to the servant, more exalted and more great
حوالي َّ فضلُ الله مِن كلِّ جَانِـب *** ونورٌ مِن الرَّحمـَن يُفترش السَّمــا
The bounty of Allaah surrounds me from all sides
And Light from the Most Merciful has spread in the sky
وفي القلبِ إشراقُ المحب بوَصْلِه *** إذا قارب البُـشرَى وجَازَ إلى الحمى
And in the heart is the radiance of the beloved when he is reunited
And when glad tidings draw close, it becomes feverish
حوالي إينــاس مِن الله وَحْـدَه *** يُطالعَني فِي ظلـمـةِ القبرأنجَمــا
Exhilaration surrounds me, only for Allaah
It overlooks me in the darkness of the grave, apparent and clear
أصُونُ وَدادي أن يُدنّسـه الهَوَى *** وأحفظُ عـَهْدِ الـحُبِّ أن يَتثلمــا
I protect my love, lest my desires should pollute it
And I preserve the contract of love, lest it be defiled
ففي يَقظتِي شَوْقٌ وفي غَفوَتِي منى *** تلاحـِقُ خُـطوَى نـشوَةً وترنمـا
In my wakefulness is yearning and in my slumber is destiny
That’s pursuing my footsteps in ecstasy
ومَن يَعْتصِمْ بالله يُسَلم مِن الوَرَى *** ومَن يَرْجه هَـيْهَاتُ أنْ يَتندُمـــا
Whoever holds fast to Allaah, he is protected from men
And whoever hopes for Him, then never will he regret
Knowledge & Sincerity
العلم ما نفع
قال الشافعي رحمه الله:
العِلْمُ مَا نَفَعَ لَيْسَ مَا حُفِظَ.
Knowledge is what benefits
Ash-Shaafi’ee (rahimahullaah) said:
“Knowledge is that which benefits not that which is memorised”
قال الشافعي رحمه الله
لَوْ اجْتَهَدَ أحَدُكُمْ كُلَ الجُهْدِ عَلى أنْ يَرضِيَ الناسَ كُلًّهُمُ عَنْهُ فَلا سَبِيلَ لَهُ
فَلْيُخلِصِ العَبدُ عَمَلَهُ بَيْنَهُ وبَيْنَ اللهُ تعالى
Ash-Shaafi’ee (rahimahullaah) said:
“If one of you were to strive with utmost striving to make all the people pleased with him then there is no way for him (i.e. he’ll never be able to do that).
So let the servant purify his actions which are between him and Allaah Ta’aala.”
وقال أيْضاً:
لا يَعْرِفُ الرِّيَاءُ الا المُخلِصُونَ.
And he also said,
“No-one knows Riyaa (showing-off, insincerity etc) except the sincere ones.”
Silence, Love and Honour
مُرَاقَبَةُ اللِّسَانِ
سُئِلَ الشَّافِعِي رَحِمَهُ اللهُ عَنْ مَسْأَلَةٍ
فَقِيلَ لَه: ألا تَجِيب رَحِمَكَ اللهُ
فَقالَ: لا, حَتى أدْرِيَ الفَضْلَ فِي سُكُوتِي أو فِي جَوابِي
Muraaqabah of the Tongue
Ash-Shaafi’ee (rahimahullaah) was asked regarding an issue (mas’alah).
It was said to him: “Will you not answer, may Allaah have mercy on you!
He said: “(No), Until I know the benefit and virtue in either my silence or in my answer.”
حب و حب
قال الشافعي رحمه الله
مَن أدْعَى أنه جَمَعَ بَيْنَ حُبِّ الدُّنيا وَ حُبِّ خالِقِهَا فِي قلبِهِ فَقدْ كَذبَ
Love and Love
Ash-Shaafi’ee (rahimahullaah) said:
“Whoever claims to have gathered in his heart the love of this world and the love of its Creator (Allaah), has indeed lied.”
عِز التقوَى
قال الشافعي رحمه الله
مَن لمْ يَعِزُّهُ التقوَى فَلا عِزَّ لَه
Ash-Shaafi’ee (rahimahullaah) said:
“Whoever is not honoured by Taqwa, then there is no honour for him.”
Nobility & Salvation
احذر مودة الناس
كُنْ سَاكِناً فِي ذا الزمانِ بِسَيئرِهِ *** وعن الورى كُنْ رَاهِباً في دَيرِه
واغسِل يدَيكَ مِن الزمانِ وأهْله *** واحْذِرْ مَوَدَّتهـم تنِل مِن خَيـره
إني اطلعتُ فلم أجدْ لِي صاحِباً *** أصحبه في الدهْرِ ولا في غَيْره
فترَكْتُ أسْفَلَهـم لِكَثرَةِ شَـرّه *** وتركت أعْلاهم لِـقلَّة خَيــره
Beware of the love of people
“Be silent in that era as it moves along
And regarding the mortals, flee from their monastery
And wash your hands from the occasion and its people
And be cautious of their love whereby you reach their goodness
I explored but did not find a companion
To befriend through life and befriend no-one but he
So I abandoned the lowest of them due to the excess of his evil
And I abandoned the loftiest of them due the shortage of his goodness.”
الظالم لنفسه
قال الشافعي رحمه الله
أظلم الظالمين لنفسه
مَن تَوَاضَعَ لِمَن لا يُكرمَه
ورَغَبَ فِي مَودّة مَن لا يَنفعُه
وقبل مَدْح مَن لا يَعرِفه
Oppressor of his own self
Ash-Shaafi’ee (rahimahullaah) said:
“The one who oppresses himself the most is:
The one who humbles himself for one who does not honour him
And strives in the friendship of one who does not benefit him
And accepts praise from one who does not know him”
صاحب الهوى
قال الشافعي رحمه الله
لو رَأيتُ صَاحِبَ هَوَى يَمْشِي عَلى المَاءِ مَا قبلتُه
Companion of desires
“If I saw a companion of his own desires even walk on water, I would not accept him.”
مع أهل الطاعة
قال الشافعي رحمه الله
مَا أحَدُ إلا وَلَه مُحبّ ومُبْغِض, فَإنْ كَان لابُدّ مِن ذلك, فلْيَكُنِ المرءُ مَع أهْلِ طَاعَةِ اللهِ عَزّ وجَلّ
With the people of obedience
“There is no-one except that he has a lover and a hater. So if that must be the case, then let a person be with the people of obedience to Allaah, ‘azza wa jall.”
Arts of ‘Ilm
فضل أصحاب الحديث
قال الشافعي رحمه الله
اذا رأيت رجلا من أصحاب الحديث
فكأني رأيت رجلا من أصحاب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
جزاهم الله خيرا, هم حفظوا لنا الأصل فلهم علينا الفضل
وقال - عليكم بأصحاب الحديث فانهم أكثر الناس صوابا
The virtues of the people of Hadeeth
Imaam Ash-Shaafi’ee (rahimahullaah) said:
“If I saw a man from the people of hadeeth, then it’s as if I saw a man from the Companions of the Prophet (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam). May Allaah reward them, they preserved for us the foundation so they have a right of virtue upon us.”
He said: “Upon you is (to accompany) the people of hadeeth for they are the most correct from amongst the people.”
الخير في خمسة
قال الشافعي رحمه الله
الخير في خمسة
غنى النفس
وكف الأذى
وكسب الحلال
والثقة بالله
Goodness is in five
He (rahimahullaah) said:
Goodness is in 5 matters:
- Richness of the soul
- Desisting from harm
- Earning halaal
- Taqwa
- And trust in Allaah
رضا الناس
قال الشافعي رحمه الله
رضا الناس غاية لا تدرك
وليس الى السلامة من ألسنة الناس سبيل
فعليك بما ينفعك فالزمه
Pleasure of the people
Seeking the pleasure of people is an objective that can never be obtained
And there is no way to safety from the tongues of people
So upon you is to adhere to only that which benefits you.
الاخلاص في العلم
قال الشافعي رحمه اللهمن أراد الآخرة فعليه بالاخلاص في العلم
Sincerity in Knowledge
Whoever desires the Hereafter then upon him is sincerity in knowledge
فنون العلم
قال الشافعي رحمه الله
من تعلم القرآن عظمت قيمته
ومن تكلم في الفقه نما قدره
ومن كتب الحديث قويت حجته
ومن نظر في اللغة رقّ طبعه
ومن نظر في الحساب جزل رأيه
ومن لم يصن نفسه لم ينفعه علمه
The Arts of knowledge
Whoever learns Qur’aan, then his value becomes great
Whoever speaks in Fiqh (learns it), his capacity grows
Whoever writes ahadeeth, his evidence strengthens
Whoever examines into language, his nature softens
Whoever contemplates the reckoning, his opinion becomes sound
And whoever does not protect himself, his knowledge does not benefit him
قال الشافعي رحمه الله
من نمّ لك نمّ عليك,
ومن نقل اليك نقل عنك
The Slanderer
Whoever slanders to you about others, will slander about you
And whoever reports to you, will soon report about you
Friday, 5 December 2008
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