Wednesday, 10 February 2010

The LOVE of This Dunyah~

The LOVE of This Dunyah~
Part 1
By Abu Muhammad al Maghrebee

Based on an Advice Written by Shaykh Al 'Alaamah Salih al-Fawzaan


O Muslims fear Allah subhana wa ta'alaa as he should be feared. And pay attention when you hear these statements of Allah subhana wa ta'alaa, as Allah subhana wa ta'alaa said in Suratul Fatir :

" O Mankind, verily the promise of Allah is true, so let not this present life deceive you and let not the chief deceiver ( shaytaan ) deceive you about Allah subhana wa ta'alaa. Surely the Shaiton is an enemy to you, so take him as an enemy. He only invites his followers that they may be companions of the blazing fire."

Sheykh Saalih al Fawzaan said : Allah subhana wa ta'alaa is addressing you, putting emphasis on a fact that will come no doubt. It will happen, what your Lord has promised you is true and will happen. As related to the ressurection, standing in front of Allah. So therefore the reward and retribution will be presented to the people according to their deeds. Allah subhana wa ta'alaa in the same ayaat is warning us against twotrials, two tribulations, that turns away the servant. It keeps him busy and turns him away from making necessary preperations to meet with Allah subhana wa ta'alaa. Those fitnahs and those two trials are the trials of this dunyah. The life of this present world and the fitnah of the shaytaan.

And how many other ayaat? How many other verses indeed of Allah alone, not just talking about the hadeeth , the narrations, nor the statements of the Sahabah or the Ulemaa? Just in the many other verses that Allah subhana wa ta'alaa warns us against this life and being deceived by the life of this world. And it is blameworthy, and how quickly its days and its months and its nights and years will be folded up. And Allah subhana wa ta'alaa has given many examples to us. Yet one of them will be enough. One ayaat will be enough for anyone who has a real heart and pays attention when the statements of Allah are presented to him.

And the dunyah itself, it shouldnt be blamed. We shouldnt blame the dunyah in itself. Rather this dunyah is nothing but a bridge. Nothing but a bridge that leads to either the Jannah - paradise, or leads to the hellfire. Rather that which is blameworthy and considered blameworthy are the actions of the people in it. Those servants who their lusts and their desires turns them away from the remembrance of Allah. This dunyah is a place where everyone of us should take enough provisions that will benefit him on yawm al kiyamah. The provisions that will lead him to al Jannah. Indeed the best thing that may happen to you in the Jannah is the reward of your actions on this earth.

Ibn al Qayyim has said that Allah has created wealth and property so that the person should take them and indeed they will be saved for trial and a test for the people on earth. Allah didnt just send wealth to this dunyah so we can take it and enjoy it and have a life of luxury. O servants. You know that youre going to die one day. Your going to pass by the trials of the grave. Your going to stand in front of your Lord in account of your actions. You know the seerat, the bridge over the hellfire is waiting for us all. And how indeed, knowing all of this, how can it be possible that many of us choose the life of this world over that with Allah subhana wa ta'alaa in the hereafter? How is it that your wealth and property, your family members have turned you away from the remembrance of Allah? You live as if Allah has allowed you to live 50 years, 100 years, more or less. Gather al you can from this wealth, from this dunyah, gather all you can. Strive hard and get all that
you can. But you should remember that you will leave one day. When you're time comes, you will leave this dunyah. And the things you have in your hand will not go with you. the only thing you will have is your deeds.

And remember when you came to this dunyah , you didnt come with any clothes. No car, no properties, no job, no friends. You came with nothing to this dunyah. The first moment you came into this dunyah, you came with NOTHING. And you will leave this dunyah with NOTHING. We have never heard of anyone when he died that they buried his stuff with him in his grave, you leave everything behind. As Allah subhana wa ta'laa said in Suratul An'am :
" And truly you have come unto Us alone (without wealth, companions or anything else) as We created you the first time. You have left behind you all that we have bestowed upon you."

Indeed , you O Servant of Allah, your life in this dunyah is nothing but like the one who is traveling. You are travelling ya Abdullah, to the life of the hereafter. Towards the hereafter, that is your destination. Indeed your example ya Abdullah in this lfe is the example of someone who is on a journey. To take that exit to that market, to take from the market, but not to take everything. And only take that which is a necessity for him so he can make it to his destination. And remember that nothing in this dunyah is actually yours except that which will help enable you to the hereafter.

Indeed the halal, that which is lawful in this dunyah , you will be held accountable for it. The halal, that which is permissable, you will be asked about in on yawm al kiyamah. As for the haraam , the haraam of this dunyah , you will be punished if you fall into it. This dunyah will be ruined, it will be destroyed. This dunayh that many of us cling to, and love it more than the hereafter will be ruined one day. Only those who have problems with their mind, those who have no mind whatsoever, no guidance, they are the ones who are really deceived by it.

Sheykh al Fawzaan says that it is one way - there isn't two ways- once he dies or she dies there is only one way towards the hereafter. And how about when he is seperated from his beloved ones . He left his family members, his companions and his friends. Now hes facing one of the rewards or retribution. Indeed this is a continuous journey, people are dying this is a fact. A continuous journey to the hereafter with no stop. And this trip from this dunyah by the way of death, the death does not just choose some people. A group of people may die at one time. Fathers and mothers, friends , believers, disbelievers, righteous, wicked, poor wealthy, everybody dies. Every single one will be put in that hole, that dark hole... the grave. Wating for the ressurection, waiting for the moment when the angel will be commanded to blow the horn. Allah said :

" The Day when they will come out of the graves quickly as racing to a goal,With their eyes lowered in fear and humility, ignominy covering them (all over)! That is the Day which they were promised! "

Indeed Allah subhana wa ta'alaa has considered to be blameworthy, and blame those people who give preference , and choose the life of this world over the hereafter in many many ayaat. And we mention to you just some of them. Allah subhana wa ta'alaa said in Suratul Baqarah :

" Those are they who have bought the life of this world at the price of the Hereafter. Their torment shall not be lightened nor shall they be helped."

And Allah said in Suratul Qiyaamah:
" But you men love the present life of this world, and neglect the hereafter."

And Allah said in Sooratul Insan:

"Verily! These (disbelievers) love the present life of this world, and put behind them a heavy Day (that will be hard). "

And Allah said in Surah al A'laa :

"Nay, you prefer the life of this world; Although the Hereafter is better and more lasting."

And Allah said in Suratul Nazi'at:

"Then, for him who Tagh� (transgressed all bounds, in disbelief, oppression and evil deeds of disobedience to All�h). And preferred the life of this world (by following his evil desires and lusts), Verily, his abode will be Hell-fire."

Indeed preferring this dunyah over the hereafter is clearly manifested in the behaviours of many many people these days.You'll find the Muslims crowded in front of stores, this is the place where they can get things for this life. But we dont see these people crowded at the gates of the masaajid.When there is a portion of this life, a good job you find the people in a stampede crowded. But when there is a class, to learn some beneficial knowledge like Ilm Online and the like of this - where is the crowd? Where is the stampede? Youll find that a person will edure hardships, serious hardships to gain some dollars, to gain some money. But where is this hardship, where is this zeal when it comes to obedience to Allah subhana wa ta'alaa.

You'll find a person getting mad, angry for days and weeks if he loses something from the dunya. If he loses his job, he loses his property, he loses his money. But where is your anger ya Abdullah when you neglect some of the deeds , when you LOSE some of your deeds. Why dont you get angry and mad? For many Muslims, the love of this dunyah has conquered their hearts. The love of this dunyah over the aakhira. And they spend all their time after this dunyah They leave a little bit, the slightest bit of their time for the hereafter. For example, the five obligatory prayers - people are neglecting them. they do not pray then at their times. Or perhaps they dont come and pray in the jamaat with the muslimeen.